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Homeschool Room or Home Gym?


Homeschool Room or Home Gym?

So, we’ve chatted about how nice a Peloton Suite is and how convenient a Zoom Room might be, however, is the fall must-have space a homeschool room? The short answer? Hopefully not. But as we all know, the answer is not always that simple.

Texas Public schools are opening for virtual learning in August with in-person instruction slated to start after September 8. This in addition to the plethora of private schools that may be opening sooner. In fact, a tremendous influx of Californians are coming to Dallas as a result of them wanting to get back into the classroom as soon as possible. 

It is my opinion that the home school room will not take off. I think that this quarantine has taught people how isolated we really have the potential to be as a society and allowing for the masses to homeschool will only further this. We are, at the heart of it all, social creatures that crave human interaction. Will our children really only be expected to interact with the outside world via a screen on a wall? I hope not. For them and for the future of our children and how they learn.  

As a realtor, I crave chatting with and being around new people every day. The thought of sitting behind a computer all day every day as my only way to talk to my clients is downright depressing. I am choosing to see the glass half full and am considering these moments of isolation temporary pain that will eventually lead our nation into grand gains in the fight against COVID-19.

I hope to see you soon, but until then, buy your Clorox wipes. Yes, the new CEO of Clorox assures us that she is firing up more on the production line. 

Christy BerryAugust 7, 2020