There is No Crystal Ball for 2022
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There is No Crystal Ball for 2022


There is No Crystal Ball for 2022

And that’s a wrap on 2021. Thankfully, it was not as horrible of an ending as 2020. Although we did feel the challenges – with more to come – everyone seems a bit more resilient. These changes will be used as vital tools to help guide us in the future. And boy did we gain patience as a new trait, am I right?

What about the Real Estate Market, you ask? Well, it’s thriving, so it seems. So much so that The Dallas-Fort Worth real estate market continues to lead in both commercial and residential categories. Collier’s Global Capital Markets just released its 2022 Investor Outlook, and they have Dallas as the number one location to invest in during 2022. It is not surprising to see after DFW lead the United States in investment sales volume in 2020 and 2021. Yep, it looks like ‘they’ will just keep on coming.

According to a residential housing report released by the National Association of Realtors, Dallas Fort Worth is one of the “Ten Hidden Gems of the Housing Market” in 2022. 2021 was a year of higher housing prices clocking in at an 18 percent growth rate. How much higher can we go? Believe it or not, we are still considered undervalued. Plus, with our strong job growth, low-interest rates, and lack of state income tax, DFW is the place to be. But tell us something that we didn’t already know.

To summarize, prices will continue to increase but not at the rate of 2021. Dallas will also continue to be a seller’s market. Many homes will continue to sell “off-market” — never hitting MLS due to low inventory. Urban downtowns were sluggish last year with COVID, but the searches for urban properties have surged as of late as the urban exodus slowing.

All of that to say, there IS a home for everyone, and we will find yours together. This, I am 100 percent certain of.

Alison JensenJanuary 12, 2022