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Dallas Tornado Aftermath Update


Dallas Tornado Aftermath Update

They say that a picture is worth 1,000 words, and that certainly is the case for this picture of our precious little neighborhood. It has now been six weeks since the horrific tornado touched down in Preston Hollow, and I wish that we could say that we are all back to normal, but that would be a fib.

I worry most for my neighbors who are refusing to leave their homes. It seems that insurance companies are finally stepping in to insist that they do so. Think about it. The air quality cannot be good in a home after the roof has been ripped off and water has lingered. Not to mention any pesticides, chemicals, dirt and whatever else. The result cannot be good for your health or general well-being (to say the least).

Some homes have already been bulldozed and the lots have been, or are in the process of being, sold. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, I do not expect lots to go at a large discount. I personally just transacted the first of these lot sales and it did not sell at a steep discount (nor should it). We gave them a $100,000 break on the $2 million lot simply to allow for them to attempt to bring in some quality trees. In return, the buyer was delivered a perfectly clear lot that is ready to build on. The homes that are being remodeled will be fresh and totally updated. Stores in the areas are opening back up including our local Eatzi’s. Central Market recently announced its plans to rebuild at its Preston and Royal location which everyone is just so excited about.

Our family personally decided to temporarily move, and we are currently living at The McKenzie which is a new luxury high-rise apartment on Harvard Avenue. It’s beautiful grounds is only matched by its impeccable service. Might I say it is the best service I have ever experienced? We have met a lot of other tornado victims that have decided to rent here, and the building is now almost at capacity as a result of the storm. Perhaps one day we can all look back on our time here as the beginning of a life-long friendship. That is, when we are all back in our old neighborhood and this fiasco is a thing of the past.

One thing I have done is download the FEMA app and sign up for local alerts. These alerts include severe weather and flooding. Our family is now very much aware of where we will go for shelter in the case of a weather emergency in the future. We now know the importance of putting as many walls as possible between you and the wind-blown debris. In other words, windows are NOT your friends in this scenario.

The private weather company, Accuweather, predicts that Texas could face a higher risk for tornados this year. With that said, PLEASE have a plan.



Christy BerryDecember 3, 2019