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Christmas Lights Tour: Park Cities


Christmas Lights Tour: Park Cities

One of my most treasured traditions around the holidays is to pile my five children into the car after dinner and slowly weave in and out of the Park Cities streets admiring the gleaming Christmas lights. It’s a magical time to soak up the season, and it’s one of the few things that doesn’t change throughout the years. Call me nostalgic, but I do love returning to my favorite homes in hopes of the lights exciting me (and the kids) like they have in years past.

Speaking of years past, did you know that Christmas lights first became “a thing” in 1904 when the first electrically lite Christmas trees showed up in San Diego? The US tradition of stringing them on homes did not become popular until the 1960’s, and man, suffice to say the Park Cities certainly took favor to the idea of doing just that. 


Now to some of my favorite areas of Park Cities to visit. 

I would be remiss to not first mention the 3600 block of Southwestern Boulevard in University Park. Once you’ve made it there, there is no explanation necessary as you will surely see the 70 Santa figurines all carefully placed on bleachers for all to enjoy. I mean surely, they are next up on HGTV’s “What’s with That Decorated Out Christmas House”. The owner has been collecting the Santa’s for years and you can even see the original Big Tex head from the State Fair. From there, head to the 3800 block of Colgate Avenue where all the neighbors have collectively hung wreathes on the curbs. 


Next up? Volk Estates which is also in University Park sandwiched between Lovers Lane and University Boulevard and Preston Road and Turtle Creek Boulevard. The life size decorations and plethora of lights are simply too good to possibly be true. Surely Santa’s very best elves were sent down from the North Pole to decorate this area of town. My favorite? 6767 Hunters Glen Road which is a true winter wonderland. Bravo, Volk Estates gang. Bravo! 

To conclude your driving tour of the Park Cities, head to Beverly Drive in Highland Park. The lights are sophisticated and stunning with every home seeming to outdo the next. At 3601 Beverly Drive, you can even drop a letter to Santa in the mailbox. The best news? This wonderful couple writes each and every one back. Continue down Armstrong Parkway from Beverly Drive and ride side by side with the horse-drawn carriages. If time permits, do not miss Miramar, Gillon, and Euclid Avenues. 


Trust me, a Park Cities lights tour with the family is totally worth it. And have I ever let you down?  


Christy BerryDecember 12, 2019