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Selling Your Home During the Holidays


Selling Your Home During the Holidays

We always want to create the best presentation and successful launch for your home into the marketplace. Should you be considering selling your home over the holidays there are several things to consider:

First, preparing your home properly, pricing it right and creating a proper marketing plan will attract prospective buyers.  You have an advantage during the holidays, inventories tend to be lower at the end of the year and being that there are fewer homes on the marketplace you have less competition. In addition, there are also fewer buyers in the marketplace but, that also means they are more serious buyers and possibly more motivated due to time constraints related to job transfers or other events in their life. 

Adding a good, neutral, quality carpet, applying fresh paint or installing up-to-date hardwood flooring may also realize extra dollars to the bottom line. Through our Compass Concierge Program, we can make your property shine and potentially increase your home’s value.  Perhaps there is some harmony to the holidays being that vendors have a lighter schedule and contractors, painters and even movers may be more available and flexible. 

A final note homes often look beautiful with all the holiday lights, a decorated fireplace and the smell of cinnamon cookies coming from a warm oven in all, creating a sense of family may be exactly what your home warrants to attract the right buyer to make an exciting transition.

Christy BerryDecember 17, 2019